There are so many ways to serve the Lord both within and beyond Zion Lutheran Church.  This page cannot contain them.  Here is a sampling.


Service within Zion

Check out the Worship and Study pages for ideas about ways to serve in worship on Sunday mornings or ways to serve within Zion’s educational ministries. Zion’s Women’s organization also affords opportunities to serve in a variety of ways, including assisting with funeral luncheons. Schedule an appointment to meet with one of Zion’s pastors to discuss your prayers, passions and commitments for Zion and the shared ministry here. The pastors can help make connections with what is already happening, or assist in discovering ways to bring those prayers and passions to fruit.

Service for the Sake of the World

There are a variety of ways that Zion supports and does ministry that reaches beyond the walls. Local options include:

  • Assist at the Boone County Food Pantry
  • Assist with the Boone County Mobile Food Pantry
  • Assist at the Mission Possible Thrift Store

Local, national, or international mission trips are another way to serve. Groups within Zion may organize trips, or may join various mission trips hosted by the Nebraska Synod or Thrivent Financial.

The Sew Happy Mission Quilters put together more than 200 quilts each year—for those who are baptized, for those who graduate high school, for those with needs in the region, and for those overseas who have need.

The Stitch & Pray ministry crochets prayer shawls to be distributed through the local hospital and to others who may have need for a “hug from God” through their work.


Service in daily life
Service in daily life
Whenever the faithful go about their work, being Christ in the community, their serving others follows the example of our Lord Jesus Christ. Individual acts of service are grounded in the baptismal call to ministry and vocation even when they are not directly connected to ministries or activities of Zion Lutheran Church. The church is church when the members are gathered and the church is still church when members are dispersed.